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July 31, 2008 / Neal Aggarwal


We are a recycling company!

Think about it. We take your oil and recycle it every 3 minutes; we do it right there inside your engine and return it to the engine; and we keep doing this for 100,000Km and more only replacing the oil when tests show that it is completely spent.

What a neat idea! What a masterful stroke of genius – if we may say so ourselves? Who else can lay claim to being a recylcing company of such merit? Think about it.

An Example

If we assume that there are 1,000,000 cars in Nairobi and that we only manage to fit bypass filters to 1% of them that is 10,000 filters installed. These 10,000 cars, if not fitted with a bypass filter would have undergone oil changes at regular intervals. Let’s say that each of these cars covered only 10,000Km per annum and that their owners changed oil only twice (that is every 5,000Km) during that one year. And let’s say that each oil change consumed 5L of new oil and a full flow filter. So each car goes through 10L of oil each year times the 10,000 cars so 100,000L of used oil would be drained out of these cars during the course of that year.

Environmental Damage

What happens to this used oil? Poured down a drain? Spilled on the ground? Put in cans and stored ? … for how long … where … a health hazard? … an environmental hazard? Used oil contains a lot of heavy metals including lead? Is this used oil going to destroy our country? And what about those full flow filters? How much gunk is concentrated in them? How much lead, mercury, antimony, copper, indium? What happens to these filters? Burn them? No they have metal cases. Bury them? — literally thousands of years would pass before the oil in them breaks down. You’ve seen what used oil does to termites haven’t you? Isn’t that why you paint your fence with used oil? (A questionable practice environmentally speaking).

Now we come along and keep all that 100,000L of oil running for 10 years or more (100,000Km at 10,000Km per annum). And the full flow filters run on the engine for that entire time.

But what about the bypass filters that we change every 5,000Km?

Saving our Environment

Our bypass filters are 95% cotton paper that is biodegradable. The little metal ring at the top we remove and recycle ourselves. But the stuff the bypass filter fabric has trapped is not biodegradable or recyclable. So we still have to get rid of the spent filters in a safe, environment friendly manner … and we’re doing just that. Watch this space — even as we write this we are in negotiations with several waste disposal firms in an effort to find one that meets our stringent requirements for disposal. As we continue those negotations we’ll post news here and you can read all about it. At present we’re storing the filters in a storage facility waiting for the day we nominate a company to deal with them under our watchful eyes.

What about the oil – the 100,000L of oil in those 10,000 cars? It’s still there isn’t it? Still in those engines working away and not spilled on the ground or put into storage.

Is there an oil disposal issue? No.

Have we made a difference? YOU GO FIGURE.

Are we a GREEN COMPANY helping save our environment?

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