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What is a bypass oil filter?

A bypass filter is a second oil filter we install alongside your factory installed oil filter — in the diagram at left that is the FULL-FLOW filter. The full flow filter is what your mechanic has been changing at every oil service which you’ve probably been having done every 5,000Km if you are conscientious and are looking after this expensive asset of yours. Our filter eliminates not only the filter changes but also the oil changes as it keeps the oil as clean as new ALL THE TIME! So right from the outset you have money savings in not having to change your oil or full flow filter and in reduced damage to close to zero damage to the engine through it’s lifetime. When you install a bypass filter you are effectively cleaning your oil every 2-3 minutes and that means there is no grit to damage the engine bearings and not degradation of engine oil as all water, ash from combustion, unwanted chemicals are removed by the bypass filter. The bypass filter is able to do this as it’s made of more than 300 pleats of very fine paper that the oil if forced through before being returned to the engine. Best of all – the bypass filter is inexpensive and easily changed even in the field – on a trip – or in a tractor or other commercial setting – right where the vehicle is doing it’s work.

Our calculations show that the typical vehicle owner in Kenya can save 36,600/- shillings per annum by fitting our bypass filter (assuming 20,000 Km road mileage covered necessitating 4 filter and oil changes per annum and KShs. 5,000/- labour per oil service, 3500/- for 5 L of high quality oil and 650/- for a full flow filter element – of course most people cover much more than this so their savings are likely to be much higher!).

But add to this the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR – engines fitted with a bypass oil filter are covering 1,000,000 Km — YES folks that reads ONE MILLION KILOMETRES — before they need an engine overhaul and you can see what a MASSIVE SAVING a bypass oil filter can make for you! Most truck owners have known this for years and have been fitting bypass filters all this time. All vehicle manufacturers know this but don’t want to fit these additional parts as they add to the cost of the vehicle and in todays world the cheaper you can make your car seem the faster it sells. Most mechanics will not recommend this technology to you as they WANT your engine to come in to them for overhaul work as they make hundreds of thousands of shillings on that major repair job. But we understand that your vehicle is one of the most expensive assets you own and that each and every one of us could do with saving 200,000 or so shillings on an engine overhaul. We also know that the moment a buyer sees that that used car of yours is fitted with a bypass oil filter he will KNOW that he’s getting a solid, near-new engine and will be prepared to offer more for your vehicle.

So we’re bringing this technology to the individual vehicle owner at an affordable price and with an installation that adds a lot of benefits in addition to cleaning your oil (benefits such as cooler running oil and engines, easier oil changes that you can do yourself in a matter of minutes and cost savings you have to see to believe). In the recent past this technology cost US$3000 per filter unit which has put it out of reach of the average vehicle owner until now. Now we are bringing you this technology at affordable prices that mean there are now no excuses to save your engines and your money.

Please browse this website and the research institutions it links to and satisfy yourself as to the safety, proven efficacy and cost savings that a bypass oil filter can bring to you and get in touch with us to have one installed in your car, minivan, truck or tractor.

A quote from Blackstone Labs

(Based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and having been in business since 1985, Blackstone Laboratories provides accurate oil analysis programs that considered state-of-the-art in industry. They use a technique knows as ICP (inductive coupled plasma) spectrometry, database averages for comparing wear, and more).

“After having run many tens of thousands of diesel engine oil samples, it is our opinion that a by-pass oil filtration system is one of the most important factors in extending oil drains. If you are interested in extended oil drains, we suggest you investigate adding this type of system to your engine”

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